Origins of the term "Suicide-by-cop"
Suicide-by-cop (SbC) is not a new phenomenon. This term refers to the actions of those who choose to end their lives by confronting a police officer to the degree that the officer must react with deadly force. In the early 80s, Dr. Karl Harris, former Chief Medical Examiner for Los Angeles County, reviewed hundreds of officer-involved shooting cases and discovered that many of the decedents at the time of their deaths exhibited a suicidal state of mind. Since it appeared to him that the decedent purposely confronted the officer to elicit a deadly response, he concluded that it was a type of suicide - “suicide-by-cop.” This acknowledgment of the officer’s perspective was long overdue.
- I have dreams about the shooting, usually the same one over and over. I just don’t think I can continue doing the job if I can’t find a way to deal with all the bitterness, cynicism, anger, resentment, and fatigue.
Sergeant Tom F.
Longmonth Police DepartmentI went to work the next day and I couldn't look at anybody - couldn't talk to them. You start having nightmares, waking up sweating and you want to go to the bathroom and puke. It wasn't until a year later that I was able to talk about the incident in any detail.Officer Paul B.
Sacramento County Sheriff's DepartmentToday, whenever I try to recount the incident in Sonoma County to a civilian, they usually have one of two emotional responses: they are either severely critical that I needed to kill a mental patient, or they think I failed in not killing the madman.Deputy Brian K.
Sonoma County Sheriff's Department - Within two minutes of putting the pistol down, I was so glad to be alive. I was just overjoyed.
Gordon K. - SbC Survivor
Spokane, WashingtonI’m so sorry. I knew if I passed away, I wanted him [police officer] to know that I’m sorry.17-year old SbC Survivor
Oxnard, CaliforniaI knew that if I made contact with the police, I could force them to kill me.Randall F.
Luynchburg, Virginia
What is SbC?
As defined by the author, suicide-by-cop is a colloquial term corroborated by a medicolegal finding whereby a suicidal subject knowingly and purposely confronts a police officer to the degree that it compels that police officer to respond with deadly force.
How is SbC determined?
1. The suicidal subject must express the intent to die by means of a written, verbal, or by other explicit mien behavior.2. The suicidal subject must possess a clear understanding of the finality of the act. 3. The suicidal subject must confront a law enforcement official to the degree that it compels that officer to respond with deadly force. 4. The suicidal subject dies as a result of these actions.
Reciprocal Conciliation
- It is difficult to predict whether a reciprocal conciliation between officer(s) and surviving loved ones is possible or even necessary. Because suicide-by-cop purposely involves another human being to complete the act, it is a method of suicide that affects victims from both sides of the badge. This concept may be difficult for next of kin to understand, but it is nonetheless deeply realized by the officer involved.
- She [Mondello] used me to kill herself. After the shooting, Vincent pursued counseling. Ten years later, he felt compelled to write to the Mondello family. It was a difficult letter to write. Denise Mondello's mother responded to him by phone. When I heard her voice, I broke down crying. After ten years, I was still hurting inside. She was very comforting.
Denise Mondello
Please forgive me. My intention was never to hurt anyone. This was just a sad and sick rouse [sic] to get someone to shoot me. I'm so very sorry for pulling innocent people into this. I just didn't have the nerve to pull the trigger myself. Denise Mondello
Friends And Family Of Denise Mondello
She just happened to pick him [Deputy Glenn V.] to do what she couldn’t do herself. Paul Mondello, brother of Denise Mondello
As friends of hers, we wanted to extend our condolences to you. We know you must be hurting and going through a rough time. Our feelings and love go out to you. Friends of Denise Mondello
As friends of hers, we wanted to extend our condolences to you. We know you must be hurting and going through a rough time. Our feelings and love go out to you. Friends of Denise Mondello
988 Suicide Prevention Hotline
As of 16 July 2022, a direct 3-digit number to call for help is ow available. Similar to 911, those who are seeking immediate mental health intervention can call 988. This suicide prevention hotline is a significant improvement for those in crisis. If you or someone you know is in need help, please reach out.